Who We Help
Growing my
I am growing. I am busy. I haven’t got time to sort my finances out, but I know it’s important. I don’t want to get it wrong. I don’t have the time, knowledge or contacts.
Who can I trust
to help?
Protecting my
I want to make sure that if things do go wrong with a customer, that it won’t ruin my business.
Paying my staff
My staff need paying. My contractors need paying. I want to make sure I have the money to pay them.
my competitors
I want to buy the business from the owners. I want to buy a competitor.
Delayed payments
from my customers
My customers are taking longer to pay. I need to get on and run my business, but I worry about collections.
Who can help and won’t ruin my relationships with my customers?
Exporting my services
I want to sell my products and services around the world.
Paying my suppliers
My suppliers want paying. I can’t pay them until I am paid by my customer. I am stuck in the middle.
Time to find a new home
Things have changed with my current funder. They no longer meet my needs.
Success Story
- The Brief: Find a flexible and friendly funding partner
- Industry: Reactive and planned maintenance
- Reason for Funding: Growth
- Funding Raised: £500,000
What our clients and lenders say
Neal, Director (Lender)
Fran, Finance Director (Client)
Kevin, Managing Director (Client)
Tim, Director (Client)
Ian, Regional Sales Director (Lender)
Mark, Managing Director (Client)
Mark, Managing Director (Client)
Tim, Managing Director (Lender)
Mark, Director (Client)
Phydos, Managing Director (Client)
Pedram, Owner (Client)
Philip, CEO (Client)
Dave, Managing Director (Client)
John, Managing Director (Lender)
Sunil, Owner (Client)
Alec, Risk Director (Lender)
Mark Sales, Director (Lender)
Bob, Owner (Client)
Sean, Sales Director (Lender)
Mark, Director (Client)
John, Director (Client)
Kevin, Managing Director (Client)
Rikki, Group Global Managing Director (Client)
Karen, CEO (Client)
James, CEO (Client)
Andy, Sales Director (Lender)
John, Finance Director (Client)
Darren, CEO (Client)